Week 8
Week 8 October 26-30 Look What’s happening this week… Monday 10-26 SEL Tuesday 10-27 Gym Wednesday 10-28 Art Late Start Thursday 10-29 Music Friday 10-30 Media Return Library Books Halloween Party Halloween Party Children may wear their costumes all day on October 30. Please avoid bulky pieces and do not send weapons. In the afternoon we will have a party. Thank you to all who’ve offered to send in supplies. Food items must be individually packaged, store bought items. Classroom reminders Please remember to send students with a water bottle and two snacks. We break in both the morning and afternoon for snacks. Thanks! Academic Update We will: Visualize and analyze characters in fiction text Practice reading and writing L blends Work on part-part-whole or missing addend equations Continue to work on friends of 10 Continue reading and learning about space Write about the planets Develop our Daily 5...