Reimers' Room
Reimers’ Room
Look What’s happening this week…
Parent Survey
Please fill out this google form so that I can get to know you and your students better.
Birthday Treats
If your child has a birthday during this school year they are welcome to send in a prepackaged birthday treat to share with just our class. We have 17 kids in our class at this time.
Specials classes will begin September 19th. Here is what the first grade schedule will look like.
Monday - School Social Worker
Tuesday - Gym
Wednesday - Art
Thursday - Music
Friday - Library
Mr. Hubble will send a weekly blog post each Sunday with a link to my blog. Please be sure to check this. I will include news of upcoming events and details about what we're learning in the classroom. The blog will be your primary news-getting source. Each Friday your child will bring home a folder containing any work samples, notes, or additional communication from the school. (This will begin on Please return this folder each Monday. Email is the best way to reach me, but you are also welcome to send a note or call the school. My email address is
Water and Snacks
Please send two healthy snacks for your child each day as well as a water bottle. Please do not send candy or soda. I do have candy on occasion for the children. If your child has an allergy or sensitivity please be sure to communicate that to the office and to me directly. We do have a peanut allergy so please DO NOT pack snacks with peanut butter.
Lunch will be eaten in the classroom. Please pack food that is easy for your child to open independently. Please do not send in juice or pop. Our classroom has carpet and spills will be challenging to clean.
School Supplies
earbuds or headphones
water bottle
Tennis shoes
Face Masks
I will provide pencil boxes.
Classroom Donations
Gallon & Quart Size Ziploc Bags
Large Glue Sticks
Colored Pencils
Hand Sanitizer
Disinfectant Wipes
Black Dry Erase Markers
Paper Towels
I have also created an Amazon wish list. Please feel free to check out my link if you are interested in helping out.
At this time, unfortunately no volunteers are permitted in classrooms. I am in need of a parent to make copies on a regular, weekly basis. You will not be able to leave the office.
Mystery Readers
Please consider being a mystery reader for the class! The kids love this! To do so, you'll need to record yourself reading a children's book and email it to me along with three clues about yourself. I will read the clues to the children and they try to figure out whose parent, sibling, grandparent, etc. we'll see reading.
Yes, we will be wearing masks all day. There will be opportunities for brief, safe breaks. I have every confidence the children will adapt to this quickly. The school will be providing two masks. It would be wise to keep a spare mask in your kids backpack. You are welcome to send additional masks if you choose. I will encourage kids to take home their mask everyday so they can be cleaned.
The district has strict protocols in place that I will be enforcing in the classroom. Please monitor your child and be diligent about keeping him/her home when warranted by symptoms.
We will have recess twice each day as long as it's not raining, storming, or below 10 degrees. We will also take walks, and head outside to read as much as possible.
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